class TaskJuggler::ReportBase
This is the abstract base class for all kinds of reports. The derived classes must implement the generateIntermediateFormat function as well as the to_* members.
Public Class Methods
# File lib/taskjuggler/reports/ReportBase.rb, line 21 def initialize(report) @report = report @project = report.project end
Public Instance Methods
Convenience function to access a report attribute
# File lib/taskjuggler/reports/ReportBase.rb, line 27 def a(attribute) @report.get(attribute) end
Take the complete account list and remove all accounts that are matching the hide expression, the rollup Expression or are not a descendent of accountroot.
# File lib/taskjuggler/reports/ReportBase.rb, line 44 def filterAccountList(list_, hideExpr, rollupExpr, openNodes) list = if (accountroot = a('accountroot')) # Remove all accounts that are not descendents of the accountroot. list.delete_if { |account| !account.isChildOf?(accountroot) } end standardFilterOps(list, hideExpr, rollupExpr, openNodes, nil, accountroot) end
Take the complete resource list and remove all resources that are matching the hide expression, the rollup Expression or are not a descendent of resourceroot. In case task is not nil, a resource is only included if it is assigned to the task in any of the reported scenarios.
# File lib/taskjuggler/reports/ReportBase.rb, line 91 def filterResourceList(list_, task, hideExpr, rollupExpr, openNodes) list = if (resourceRoot = a('resourceroot')) # Remove all resources that are not descendents of the resourceRoot. list.delete_if { |resource| !resource.isChildOf?(resourceRoot) } end if task # If we have a task we need to check that the resources are assigned # to the task in any of the reported scenarios. iv ='start'), a('end')) list.delete_if do |resource| delete = true a('scenarios').each do |scenarioIdx| if task.hasResourceAllocated?(scenarioIdx, iv, resource) delete = false break; end end delete end end standardFilterOps(list, hideExpr, rollupExpr, openNodes, task, resourceRoot) end
Take the complete task list and remove all tasks that are matching the hide expression, the rollup Expression or are not a descendent of taskroot. In case resource is not nil, a task is only included if the resource is allocated to it in any of the reported scenarios.
# File lib/taskjuggler/reports/ReportBase.rb, line 59 def filterTaskList(list_, resource, hideExpr, rollupExpr, openNodes) list = if (taskRoot = a('taskroot')) # Remove all tasks that are not descendents of the taskRoot. list.delete_if { |task| !task.isChildOf?(taskRoot) } end if resource # If we have a resource we need to check that the resource is allocated # to the tasks in any of the reported scenarios within the report time # frame. list.delete_if do |task| delete = true a('scenarios').each do |scenarioIdx| iv ='start'), a('end')) if task.hasResourceAllocated?(scenarioIdx, iv, resource) delete = false break; end end delete end end standardFilterOps(list, hideExpr, rollupExpr, openNodes, resource, taskRoot) end
# File lib/taskjuggler/reports/ReportBase.rb, line 31 def generateIntermediateFormat query = @report.project.reportContexts.last.query %w( header left center right footer prolog headline caption epilog ).each do |name| next unless (text = a(name)) text.setQuery(query) end end