class TaskJuggler::Limits

This class holds a set of limits. Each limit can be created individually and must have unique name. The Limit objects are created when an upper or lower limit is set. All upper or lower limits can be tested with a single function call.



Public Class Methods

new(limits = nil) click to toggle source

Create a new Limits object. If an argument is passed, it acts as a copy contructor.

# File lib/taskjuggler/Limits.rb, line 147
def initialize(limits = nil)
  if limits.nil?
    # Normal initialization
    @limits = []
    @project = nil
    # Deep copy content from other instance.
    @limits = []
    limits.limits.each do |name, limit|
      @limits << limit.copy
    @project = limits.project

Public Instance Methods

dec(index, resource = nil) click to toggle source

This function decreases the counters for all limits for a specific interval identified by index.

# File lib/taskjuggler/Limits.rb, line 256
def dec(index, resource = nil)
  @limits.each do |limit|
    limit.dec(index, resource)
inc(index, resource = nil) click to toggle source

This function increases the counters for all limits for a specific interval identified by index.

# File lib/taskjuggler/Limits.rb, line 248
def inc(index, resource = nil)
  @limits.each do |limit|, resource)
ok?(index = nil, upper = true, resource = nil) click to toggle source

Check all upper limits and return true if none is exceeded. If an index is specified only the counters for that specific period are tested. Otherwise all periods are tested. If resource is nil, only non-resource-specific counters are checked, otherwise only the ones that match the resource.

# File lib/taskjuggler/Limits.rb, line 267
def ok?(index = nil, upper = true, resource = nil)
  @limits.each do |limit|
    return false unless limit.ok?(index, upper, resource)
reset() click to toggle source

Reset all counter for all limits.

# File lib/taskjuggler/Limits.rb, line 172
def reset
  @limits.each { |limit| limit.reset }
setLimit(name, value, interval = nil, resource = nil) click to toggle source

Call this function to create or change a limit. The limit is uniquely identified by the combination of name, interval and resource. value is the new limit value (in time slots). In case the interval is nil, the complete project time frame is used.

# File lib/taskjuggler/Limits.rb, line 180
def setLimit(name, value, interval = nil, resource = nil)
  iv = interval ||['start'],
                                          @project['start'], @project['end'])
  unless iv.is_a?(ScoreboardInterval)
    raise ArgumentError, "interval must be of class ScoreboardInterval"

  # The known ivs are aligned to start at their respective start.
  iv.start = iv.startDate.midnight
  iv.end = iv.endDate.midnight
  case name
  when 'dailymax'
    period = 60 * 60 * 24
    upper = true
  when 'dailymin'
    period = 60 * 60 * 24
    upper = false
  when 'weeklymax'
    iv.start = iv.startDate.beginOfWeek(
    iv.end = iv.endDate.beginOfWeek(@project['weekStartsMonday'])
    period = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
    upper = true
  when 'weeklymin'
    iv.start = iv.startDate.beginOfWeek(
    iv.end = iv.endDate.beginOfWeek(@project['weekStartsMonday'])
    period = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
    upper = false
  when 'monthlymax'
    iv.start = iv.startDate.beginOfMonth
    iv.end = iv.endDate.beginOfMonth
    # We use 30 days ivs here. This will cause the iv to drift
    # away from calendar months. But it's better than using 30.4167 which
    # does not align with day boundaries.
    period = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
    upper = true
  when 'monthlymin'
    iv.start = iv.startDate.beginOfMonth
    iv.end = iv.endDate.beginOfMonth
    # We use 30 days ivs here. This will cause the iv to drift
    # away from calendar months. But it's better than using 30.4167 which
    # does not align with day boundaries.
    period = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
    upper = false
  when 'maximum'
    period = iv.duration
    upper = true
  when 'minimum'
    period = iv.duration
    upper = false
    raise "Limit period undefined"

  # If we have already a limit for the name + interval + resource
  # combination, we delete it first.
  @limits.delete_if do |l| == name && l.interval.startDate == iv.startDate &&
    l.interval.endDate == iv.endDate && l.resource == resource

  @limits <<, iv, period, value, upper, resource)
setProject(project) click to toggle source

The objects need access to some project specific data like the project period.

# File lib/taskjuggler/Limits.rb, line 164
def setProject(project)
  unless @limits.empty?
    raise "Cannot change project after limits have been set!"
  @project = project