The TaskJuggler Project Management Software

Project Management beyond Gantt Chart Drawing

Packaged Versions

Official Releases

The latest stable version can be easily installed from

The User Manual provides detailed installation instructions.

Daily Snapshots

TaskJuggler development is progressing steadily but should be usable at all times. If you want a certain feature or a bug fix before it is available in the next stable release, you can try the daily snapshot. A packaged gem can be found in this directory. For technical reasons, the version number of the gem will be the same as the last stable release. This is not an error!

Please see the change log for a list of new features and bug fixes since the last release.

Source Code

TaskJuggler is an Open Source application. The developers provide not only the software free of charge to anybody, they also offer the source code so others interested people can join the project.

The source code is hosted on github. Please feel encouraged to watch the project, fork it and to contribute!

Bugs and Issues

TaskJuggler is a very powerful piece of software. With this power comes complexity and with complexity come bugs. If you find a bug, please report it with our issue tracker at github. Please make sure you have read the bug reporting guidelines before you submit a bug or feature request!


TaskJuggler source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2. The documentation is licensed under the GNU Free Document License version 1.3.


TaskJuggler 3.7.2 has been released

Reported on 2023-02-25

This release contains some community contributions and the changes to support Ruby 3.0. Thanks a lot for your help!

Happy 20th Anniversary, TaskJuggler!

Reported on 2021-11-30

Exactly 20 years ago, the first TaskJuggler commit was recorded. I'm feeling old now. ;)

TaskJuggler 3.7.1 has been released

Reported on 2020-03-14

This release is collecting the various community contributions that have come in since the 3.6.0 release. Thanks so much for your help! It's mostly minor improvements and several bug fixes.

The website is now served from an AWS S3 bucket

Reported on 2016-11-26

The TaskJuggler website only consists of static HTML pages that are generated via TaskJuggler itself. To provide faster page load times and increased security the website was moved to AWS S3.

TaskJuggler 3.6.0 has been released

Reported on 2016-03-12

Finally we have a new TaskJuggler release. It took way longer to release than it should have. About half of the changes are new features and the other half are bug fixes. Ruby 2.x is now required to use TaskJuggler.

TaskJuggler has moved to a new server

Reported on 2014-12-23

For the past 7 years, the TaskJuggler web site has been hosted on the same server. It was about time to upgrade to more snappy hardware. We also switched the OS version and setup everything from scratch. Please report to the mailing lists in case you see any issues.

TaskJuggler 3.5.0 has been released

Reported on 2013-06-30

This release took a little longer to bake due to a change of jobs on my end. The long wait comes with some long wanted features like hammock tasks. Many error messages were made clearer and are hopefully now more informative. We also made the switch to Ruby 2.0 as recommended Ruby version. 1.9 is still fully supported and even 1.8.7 and later work with some restrictions. [Read More...]

TaskJuggler 3.4.0 has been released

Reported on 2012-12-18

TaskJuggler 3.4.0 comes with a bunch of incremental improvements and lots of bug fixes. Almost all of the changes were triggered by bug reports and feature requests from the user community. A big thank you to everybody who contributed patches, bug reports and feedback! [Read More...]

TaskJuggler 3.3.0 has been released

Reported on 2012-07-24

With this release, TaskJuggler gains more interoperability with other project management tools. You can now export your scheduled projects in Microsoft Project XML format. [Read More...]

TaskJuggler 3.2.0 has been released

Reported on 2012-04-30

A new report type to track values over time has been added. This can be used e. g. to generate burndown charts for your Scrum project. [Read More...]

TaskJuggler 3.1.0 has been released

Reported on 2012-01-12

Introducing account reports, comprehensive leave management and the ability to be used as a To-do list manager. [Read More...]

Happy 10th Anniversary, TaskJuggler!

Reported on 2011-11-30

Exactly 10 years ago, the first TaskJuggler commit was recorded. The program has come a very long way. Cheers, to all our users!

TaskJuggler 3.0.0 has been released

Reported on 2011-11-02

After 5 years of work the re-write of TaskJuggler has been completed. [Read More...]

New signing key for TaskJuggler releases

Reported on 2011-10-25

For future releases, a new GPG key with ID 2AD38B49 will be used. The key is already available from GPG key servers. [Read More...]

New TaskJuggler web site has been launched

Reported on 2011-10-03

To prepare for the upcoming TaskJuggler 3.0 release, the TaskJuggler web site has been redesigned. [Read More...]

TaskJuggler III 0.2.2 has been released

Reported on 2011-09-14

This is most likely the final beta before the big 3.0 release. [Read More...]

TaskJuggler III 0.2.1 has been released

Reported on 2011-07-13

Many new features and a 3 - 5x speed improvement of the scheduler. [Read More...]

TaskJuggler on the Web

Tools with TaskJuggler support