class TaskJuggler::Project
This class implements objects that hold all project properties. Project
generally consist of resources, tasks and a number of other optional properties. Tasks, Resources, Accounts and Shifts are all build on the same underlying storage class PropertyTreeNode
. Properties of the same kind are kept in PropertySet
objects. There is only one PropertySet
for each type of property. Additionally, each property may belong to various PropertyList
objects. In contrast to PropertySet
objects, PropertyList
object have well defined sorting order and no information about the attributes of each type of property. The PropertySet
holds the blueprints for the data construction inside the PropertyTreeNode
objects. It contains the list of known Attributes.
Public Class Methods
keeps all times in UTC. All time values must be multiples of the used scheduling granularity. If the local time zone is not hour-aligned to UTC, the maximum allowed schedule granularity is reduced.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 1016 def Project.maxScheduleGranularity refTime =, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) case (min = refTime.getlocal.min) when 0 # We are hour-aligned to UTC; scheduleGranularity is 1 hour 60 * 60 when 30 # We are half-hour off from UTC; scheduleGranularity is 30 minutes 30 * 60 when 15, 45 # We are 15 or 45 minutes off from UTC; scheduleGranularity is 15 # minutes 15 * 60 else raise "Unknown Time zone alignment #{min}" end end
Create a project with the specified id
, name
and version
. The constructor will set default values for all project attributes.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 65 def initialize(id, name, version) AttributeBase.setMode(0) @attributes = { # This nested Array defines the supported alert levels. The lowest # level comes first at index 0 and the level rises from there on. # Currently, these levels are hardcoded. Each level entry has 3 # members: the tjp syntax token, the user visible name and the # associated color as RGB byte array. 'alertLevels' =>, 'auxdir' => '', 'copyright' => nil, 'costaccount' => nil, 'currency' => "EUR", 'currencyFormat' =>[ '-', '', '', ',', 2 ]), 'dailyworkinghours' => 8.0, 'end' => nil, 'markdate' => nil, 'flags' => [], 'journal' =>, 'limits' => nil, 'leaves' =>, 'loadUnit' => :days, 'name' => name, 'navigators' => {}, 'now' =>, 'numberFormat' =>[ '-', '', '', '.', 1]), 'priority' => 500, 'projectid' => id || "prj", 'projectids' => [ id ], 'rate' => 0.0, 'revenueaccount' => nil, 'scheduleGranularity' => Project.maxScheduleGranularity, 'shortTimeFormat' => "%H:%M", 'start' => nil, 'timeFormat' => "%Y-%m-%d", 'timezone' => TjTime.timeZone, 'trackingScenarioIdx' => nil, 'version' => version || "1.0", 'weekStartsMonday' => true, 'workinghours' => nil, 'yearlyworkingdays' => 260.714 } # Before we can add any properties to this project, we need to define the # attributes that each of the property types will be using. In TaskJuggler # lingo, properties of a project are resources, tasks, accounts, shifts # and scenarios. Each of these properties can have lots of further # information attached to it. These bits of information are called # attributes. An attribute is defined by the AttributeDefinition class. # The PropertySet objects need to be fed with a list of such attribute # definitions to register the attributes with the properties. @scenarios =, true) attrs = [ # ID Name Type # Inh. Inh.Prj Scen. Default [ 'active', 'Enabled', BooleanAttribute, true, false, false, true ], [ 'id', 'ID', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'name', 'Name', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'ownbookings', 'Own Bookings', BooleanAttribute, false, false, false, true ], [ 'projection', 'Projection Mode', BooleanAttribute, true, false, false, false ], [ 'seqno', 'No', IntegerAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], ] attrs.each { |a| @scenarios.addAttributeType(*a)) } @shifts =, true) attrs = [ # ID Name Type # Inh. Inh.Prj Scen. Default [ 'bsi', 'BSI', StringAttribute, false, false, false, "" ], [ 'id', 'ID', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'index', 'Index', IntegerAttribute, false, false, false, -1 ], [ 'leaves', 'Leaves', LeaveListAttribute, true, true, true, ], [ 'name', 'Name', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'replace', 'Replace', BooleanAttribute, true, false, true, false ], [ 'seqno', 'No', IntegerAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'timezone', 'Time Zone', StringAttribute, true, true, true, TjTime.timeZone ], [ 'tree', 'Tree Index', StringAttribute, false, false, false, "" ], [ 'workinghours', 'Working Hours', WorkingHoursAttribute, true, true, true, nil ] ] attrs.each { |a| @shifts.addAttributeType(*a)) } @accounts =, true) attrs = [ # ID Name Type # Inh. Inh.Prj Scen. Default [ 'aggregate', 'Aggregate', SymbolAttribute, true, false, false, :tasks ], [ 'bsi', 'BSI', StringAttribute, false, false, false, "" ], [ 'credits', 'Credits', AccountCreditListAttribute, false, false, true, [] ], [ 'id', 'ID', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'index', 'Index', IntegerAttribute, false, false, false, -1 ], [ 'flags', 'Flags', FlagListAttribute, true, false, true, [] ], [ 'name', 'Name', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'seqno', 'No', IntegerAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'tree', 'Tree Index', StringAttribute, false, false, false, "" ] ] attrs.each { |a| @accounts.addAttributeType(*a)) } @resources =, true) attrs = [ # ID Name Type # Inh. Inh.Prj Scen. Default [ 'alloctdeffort', 'Alloctd. Effort', FloatAttribute, false, false, true, 0.0 ], [ 'bsi', 'BSI', StringAttribute, false, false, false, "" ], [ 'chargeset', 'Charge Sets', ChargeSetListAttribute, true, false, true, [] ], [ 'criticalness', 'Criticalness', FloatAttribute, false, false, true, 0.0 ], [ 'duties', 'Duties', TaskListAttribute, false, false, true, [] ], [ 'directreports', 'Direct Reports', ResourceListAttribute, false, false, true, [] ], [ 'efficiency','Efficiency', FloatAttribute, true, false, true, 1.0 ], [ 'effort', 'Total Effort', IntegerAttribute, false, false, true, 0 ], [ 'email', 'Email', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'fail', 'Failure Conditions', LogicalExpressionListAttribute, false, false, false, [] ], [ 'flags', 'Flags', FlagListAttribute, true, false, true, [] ], [ 'index', 'Index', IntegerAttribute, false, false, false, -1 ], [ 'leaveallowances', 'Leave Allowances', LeaveAllowanceListAttribute, true, false, true, ], [ 'leaves', 'Leaves', LeaveListAttribute, true, true, true, ], [ 'limits', 'Limits', LimitsAttribute, true, true, true, nil ], [ 'managers', 'Managers', ResourceListAttribute, true, false, true, [] ], [ 'rate', 'Rate', FloatAttribute, true, true, true, 0.0 ], [ 'reports', 'Reports', ResourceListAttribute, false, false, true, [] ], [ 'seqno', 'No', IntegerAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'shifts', 'Shifts', ShiftAssignmentsAttribute, true, false, true, nil ], [ 'tree', 'Tree Index', StringAttribute, false, false, false, "" ], [ 'warn', 'Warning Condition', LogicalExpressionListAttribute, false, false, false, [] ], [ 'workinghours', 'Working Hours', WorkingHoursAttribute, true, true, true, nil ] ] attrs.each { |a| @resources.addAttributeType(*a)) } @tasks =, false) attrs = [ # ID Name Type # Inh. Inh.Prj Scen. Default [ 'allocate', 'Allocations', AllocationAttribute, true, false, true, [] ], [ 'assignedresources', 'Assigned Resources', ResourceListAttribute, false, false, true, [] ], [ 'booking', 'Bookings', BookingListAttribute, false, false, true, [] ], [ 'bsi', 'BSI', StringAttribute, false, false, false, "" ], [ 'charge', 'Charges', ChargeListAttribute, false, false, true, [] ], [ 'chargeset', 'Charge Sets', ChargeSetListAttribute, true, false, true, [] ], [ 'complete', 'Completion', FloatAttribute, false, false, true, nil ], [ 'competitors', 'Competitors', TaskListAttribute, false, false, true, [] ], [ 'criticalness', 'Criticalness', FloatAttribute, false, false, true, 0.0 ], [ 'depends', 'Preceding tasks', DependencyListAttribute, true, false, true, [] ], [ 'duration', 'Duration', DurationAttribute, false, false, true, 0 ], [ 'effort', 'Effort', DurationAttribute, false, false, true, 0 ], [ 'effortdone', 'Completed Effort', IntegerAttribute, false, false, true, nil ], [ 'effortleft', 'Remaining Effort', IntegerAttribute, false, false, true, nil ], [ 'end', 'End', DateAttribute, false, false, true, nil ], [ 'endpreds', 'End Preds.', TaskDepListAttribute, false, false, true, [] ], [ 'endsuccs', 'End Succs.', TaskDepListAttribute, false, false, true, [] ], [ 'fail', 'Failure Conditions', LogicalExpressionListAttribute, false, false, false, [] ], [ 'flags', 'Flags', FlagListAttribute, true, false, true, [] ], [ 'forward', 'Scheduling', BooleanAttribute, true, false, true, true ], [ 'gauge', 'Schedule gauge', StringAttribute, false, false, true, nil ], [ 'id', 'ID', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'index', 'Index', IntegerAttribute, false, false, false, -1 ], [ 'length', 'Length', DurationAttribute, false, false, true, 0 ], [ 'limits', 'Limits', LimitsAttribute, false, false, true, nil ], [ 'maxend', 'Max. End', DateAttribute, true, false, true, nil ], [ 'maxstart', 'Max. Start', DateAttribute, false, false, true, nil ], [ 'milestone', 'Milestone', BooleanAttribute, false, false, true, false ], [ 'minend', 'Min. End', DateAttribute, false, false, true, nil ], [ 'minstart', 'Min. Start', DateAttribute, true, false, true, nil ], [ 'name', 'Name', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'note', 'Note', RichTextAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'pathcriticalness', 'Path Criticalness', FloatAttribute, false, false, true, 0.0 ], [ 'precedes', 'Following tasks', DependencyListAttribute, true, false, true, [] ], [ 'priority', 'Priority', IntegerAttribute, true, true, true, 500 ], [ 'projectid', 'Project ID', SymbolAttribute, true, true, true, nil ], [ 'responsible', 'Responsible', ResourceListAttribute, true, false, true, [] ], [ 'scheduled', 'Scheduled', BooleanAttribute, true, false, true, false ], [ 'projectionmode', 'Projection Mode', BooleanAttribute, true, false, true, false ], [ 'seqno', 'No', IntegerAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'shifts', 'Shifts', ShiftAssignmentsAttribute, true, false, true, nil ], [ 'start', 'Start', DateAttribute, false, false, true, nil ], [ 'startpreds', 'Start Preds.', TaskDepListAttribute, false, false, true, [] ], [ 'startsuccs', 'Start Succs.', TaskDepListAttribute, false, false, true, [] ], [ 'status', 'Task Status', StringAttribute, false, false, true, "" ], [ 'tree', 'Tree Index', StringAttribute, false, false, false, "" ], [ 'warn', 'Warning Condition', LogicalExpressionListAttribute, false, false, false, [] ] ] attrs.each { |a| @tasks.addAttributeType(*a)) } @reports =, false) attrs = [ # ID Name Type # Inh. Inh.Prj Scen. Default [ 'accountroot', 'Account Root', PropertyAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'auxdir', 'Auxiliary files directory', StringAttribute, true, true, false, '' ], [ 'bsi', 'BSI', StringAttribute, false, false, false, '' ], [ 'caption', 'Caption', RichTextAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'center', 'Center', RichTextAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'columns', 'Columns', ColumnListAttribute, true, false, false, [] ], [ 'costaccount', 'Cost Account', AccountAttribute, true, true, false, nil ], [ 'currencyFormat', 'Currency Format', RealFormatAttribute, true, true, false, nil ], [ 'definitions', 'Definitions', DefinitionListAttribute, true, false, false,[ '*' ]) ], [ 'end', 'End', DateAttribute, true, true, false, nil ], [ 'markdate', 'Markdate', DateAttribute, true, true, false, nil ], [ 'epilog', 'Epilog', RichTextAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'flags', 'Flags', FlagListAttribute, true, false, true, [] ], [ 'footer', 'Footer', RichTextAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'formats', 'Formats', FormatListAttribute, true, false, false, [] ], [ 'ganttBars', 'Gantt Bars', BooleanAttribute, true, false, false, true ], [ 'header', 'Header', RichTextAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'headline', 'Headline', RichTextAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'hideAccount', 'Hide Account', LogicalExpressionAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'hideJournalEntry', 'Hide JournalEntry', LogicalExpressionAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'hideResource', 'Hide Resource', LogicalExpressionAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'hideTask', 'Hide Task', LogicalExpressionAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'height', 'Height', IntegerAttribute, false, false, false, 480 ], [ 'id', 'ID', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'index', 'Index', IntegerAttribute, false, false, false, -1 ], [ 'interactive', 'Interactive', BooleanAttribute, false, false, false, false ], [ 'journalAttributes', 'Journal Attributes', SymbolListAttribute, true, false, false,[ '*' ]) ], [ 'journalMode', 'Journal Mode', SymbolAttribute, true, false, false, :journal ], [ 'left', 'Left', RichTextAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'loadUnit', 'Load Unit', StringAttribute, true, true, false, nil ], [ 'name', 'Name', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'now', 'Now', DateAttribute, true, true, false, nil ], [ 'numberFormat', 'Number Format', RealFormatAttribute, true, true, false, nil ], [ 'openNodes', 'Open Nodes', NodeListAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'prolog', 'Prolog', RichTextAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'rawHtmlHead', 'Raw HTML Header', StringAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'resourceAttributes', 'Resource Attributes', FormatListAttribute, true, false, false,[ '*' ]) ], [ 'resourceroot', 'resource Root', PropertyAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'revenueaccount', 'Revenue Account', AccountAttribute, true, true, false, nil ], [ 'right', 'Right', RichTextAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'rollupAccount', 'Rollup Account', LogicalExpressionAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'rollupResource', 'Rollup Resource', LogicalExpressionAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'rollupTask', 'Rollup Task', LogicalExpressionAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'scenarios', 'Scenarios', ScenarioListAttribute, true, false, false, [ 0 ] ], [ 'selfcontained', 'Selfcontained', BooleanAttribute, true, false, false, false ], [ 'seqno', 'No', IntegerAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'shortTimeFormat', 'Short Time Format', StringAttribute, true, true, false, nil ], [ 'sortAccounts', 'Sort Accounts', SortListAttribute, true, false, false, [[ 'seqno', true, -1 ]] ], [ 'sortJournalEntries', 'Sort Journal Entries', JournalSortListAttribute, true, false, false, [[ :alert, 1 ], [ :date, 1 ], [ :seqno, 1 ]] ], [ 'sortResources', 'Sort Resources', SortListAttribute, true, false, false, [[ 'seqno', true, -1 ]] ], [ 'sortTasks', 'Sort Tasks', SortListAttribute, true, false, false, [[ 'seqno', true, -1 ]] ], [ 'start', 'Start', DateAttribute, true, true, false, nil ], [ 'taskAttributes', 'Task Attributes', FormatListAttribute, true, false, false,[ '*' ]) ], [ 'taskroot', 'Task Root', PropertyAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'timeFormat', 'Time Format', StringAttribute, true, true, false, nil ], [ 'timeOffId', 'Time Off ID', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'timeOffName', 'Time Off Name', StringAttribute, false, false, false, nil ], [ 'timezone', 'Time Zone', StringAttribute, true, true, false, TjTime.timeZone ], [ 'title', 'Title', StringAttribute, true, false, false, nil ], [ 'tree', 'Tree Index', StringAttribute, false, false, false, "" ], [ 'weekStartsMonday', 'Week Starts Monday', BooleanAttribute, true, true, false, false ], [ 'width', 'Width', IntegerAttribute, true, false, false, 640 ], [ 'novevents', 'No vevents in icalreports', BooleanAttribute, true, false, false, false ] ] attrs.each { |a| @reports.addAttributeType(*a)) }, 'plan', 'Plan Scenario', nil) # A list of files that contained the project data. @inputFiles = @timeSheets = # A scoreboard that reflects the global working hours and leaves. @scoreboard = nil # A scoreboard that reflects the global working hours but no leaves. @scoreboardNoLeaves = nil # The ReportContext provides additional settings to the report that can # complement or replace the report attributes. Reports can include other # reports. During report generation, only one context is active, but the # context of enclosing reports needs to be preserved. Therefor we use a # stack to implement this. @reportContexts = [] @outputDir = './' @warnTsDeltas = false end
Public Instance Methods
Set the Project
attribute with ID name to value.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 511 def []=(name, value) if !@attributes.has_key?(name) raise "Unknown project attribute #{name}" end @attributes[name] = value # If the start, end or schedule granularity have been changed, we have # to reset the working hours. if %w(start end scheduleGranularity timezone timingresolution). include?(name) if @attributes['start'] && @attributes['end'] @attributes['workinghours'] =['scheduleGranularity'], @attributes['start'], @attributes['end'], @attributes['timezone']) end end value end
Return the Account
with the ID id or return nil if it does not exist.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 599 def account(id) @accounts[id] end
Return true if for the date specified by the global scoreboard index sbIdx there is any resource that is available.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 1008 def anyResourceAvailable?(sbIdx) @resourceAvailability[sbIdx] end
Return the name of the attribute id. Since we don’t know whether we are looking for a task, resource, etc. attribute, we prefer tasks over resources here.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 1037 def attributeName(id) # We have to see if the attribute id is a task or resource attribute and # return it's name. (name = @tasks.attributeName(id)).nil? && (name = @resources.attributeName(id)).nil? name end
Make sure that we have a least one report defined that has an output format.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 697 def checkReports if @reports.empty? warning('no_report_defined', "This project has no reports defined. " + "No output data will be generated.") end unless @accounts.empty? @reports.each do |report| if (report.typeSpec != :accountreport) && (report.get('costaccount').nil? || report.get('revenueaccount').nil?) warning('report_without_balance', "The report #{report.fullId} has no 'balance' defined. " + "No cost or revenue computation will be possible.", report.sourceFileInfo) end end end @reports.each do |report| return unless report.get('formats').empty? end warning('all_formats_empty', "None of the reports has a 'formats' attribute. " + "No output data will be generated.") end
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 829 def checkTimeSheets @timeSheets.check end
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 975 def collectTimeOffIntervals(iv, minDuration) @scoreboard.collectIntervals(iv, minDuration) do |val| val.is_a?(Integer) && (val & 0x3E) != 0 end end
Convert working seconds to working days. The result depends on the setting of the global ‘dailyworkinghours’ attribute.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 934 def convertToDailyLoad(seconds) seconds / (@attributes['dailyworkinghours'] * 3600.0) end
Return the average number of working hours per day. This defaults to 8 but can be set to other values by the user.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 538 def dailyWorkingHours @attributes['dailyworkinghours'].to_f end
Convert a date (TjTime
) to the equivalent Scoreboard
index. If forceIntoProject is true, the date will be pushed into the project time frame.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 960 def dateToIdx(date, forceIntoProject = true) if (date < @attributes['start'] || date > @attributes['end']) # Date is out of range. if forceIntoProject return 0 if date < @attributes['start'] return scoreboardSize - 1 if date > @attributes['end'] else raise "Date #{date} is out of project time range " + "(#{@attributes['start']} - #{@attributes['end']})" end end # Calculate the corresponding index. ((date - @attributes['start']) / @attributes['scheduleGranularity']).to_i end
Overload the deep_clone
function so that references to the project don’t lead to deep copying of the whole project.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 498 def deep_clone self end
Add the CSV output format to all reports of type ‘tracereport’ if enable is true. Otherwise remove all CSV output formats.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 679 def enableTraceReports(enable) @reports.each do |report| next unless report.typeSpec == :tracereport if enable # Enable the CSV format for the tracereport unless report.get('formats').include?(:csv) report.get('formats') << :csv end else # Disabe CSV format for the tracereport report.get('formats').delete(:csv) end end end
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 776 def generateReport(reportId, regExpMode, formats = nil, dynamicAttributes = nil) reportList = regExpMode ? reportList = matchingReports(reportId) : [ reportId ] reportList.each do |id| unless (report = @reports[id]) error('unknown_report_id', "Request to generate unknown report #{id}") end if formats.nil? && report.get('formats').empty? error('formats_empty', "The report #{report.fullId} has no 'formats' attribute. " + "No output data will be generated.", report.sourceFileInfo) end Log.startProgressMeter("Report #{}") @reportContexts.push(context =, report)) # If we have dynamic attributes we need to backup the old attributes # first, then parse the dynamicAttributes String replacing the # original values. if dynamicAttributes unless dynamicAttributes.empty? context.attributeBackup = report.backupAttributes parser = parser.parseReportAttributes(report, dynamicAttributes) end report.set('interactive', true) end report.generate(formats) if dynamicAttributes && !dynamicAttributes.empty? report.restoreAttributes(context.attributeBackup) end @reportContexts.pop Log.stopProgressMeter end end
Call this function to generate the reports based on the scheduling result. This function may only be called after Project#schedule
has been called.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 728 def generateReports(maxCpuCores) @reports.index if maxCpuCores == 1 @reports.each do |report| # Skip reports that don't have any format specified or trace reports # when generateTraces is false. next if report.get('formats').empty? Log.startProgressMeter("Report #{}") @reportContexts.push(, report)) report.generate @reportContexts.pop Log.stopProgressMeter end else # Kickoff the generation of all reports by pushing the jobs into the # BatchProcessor queue. bp = @reports.each do |report| # Skip reports that don't have any format specified or trace reports # when generateTraces is false. next if report.get('formats').empty? || (report.typeSpec == :trace && !generateTraces) bp.queue(report) { @reportContexts.push(, report)) res = report.generate @reportContexts.pop res } end # Now wait for all the jobs to finish. bp.wait do |report| Log.startProgressMeter("Report #{}") $stdout.print(report.stdout) $stderr.print(report.stderr) if report.retVal.signaled? error('rg_signal', "Signal raised") end unless report.retVal.success? error('rg_abort', "Process aborted") end Log.stopProgressMeter end end DataCache.instance.flush end
Return the number of global working slots during the given time interval specified by startIdx and endIdx. This method takes global leaves into account.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 996 def getWorkSlots(startIdx, endIdx) slots = 0 startIdx.upto(endIdx) do |idx| slots += 1 unless @scoreboard[idx] end slots end
Return true if the interval overlaps with a globally defined working time or false if not. Global work time means, no global leaves defined and the slot lies within a defined global working time period.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 911 def hasWorkingTime(*args) # Normalize argument(s) to TimeInterval if args.length == 1 if args[0].is_a?(TimeInterval) startIdx = dateToIdx(args[0].start) endIdx = dateToIdx(args[0].end) else raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported argument type #{args[0].class}" end else startIdx = dateToIdx(args[0]) endIdx = dateToIdx(args[1]) end startIdx.upto(endIdx) do |idx| return true if @scoreboard[idx] end false end
Convert a Scoreboard
index to the equivalent date. idx is the index and it must be within the range of the Scoreboard
objects. If not, an exception is raised.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 950 def idxToDate(idx) if $DEBUG && (idx < 0 || idx > scoreboardSize) raise "Scoreboard index out of range" end @attributes['start'] + idx * @attributes['scheduleGranularity'] end
Return true if the slot or interval is within globally defined working time or false if not. If the argument is a TimeInterval
, all slots of the interval must be working time to return true as result. Global work time means, no global leaves defined and the slot lies within a defined global working time period.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 879 def isWorkingTime(*args) # Normalize argument(s) to TimeInterval if args.length == 1 if args[0].is_a?(Integer) return @scoreboard[args[0]].nil? elsif args[0].is_a?(TjTime) return @scoreboard[dateToIdx(args[0])].nil? elsif args[0].is_a?(TimeInterval) startIdx = dateToIdx(args[0].start) endIdx = dateToIdx(args[0].end) else raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported argument type #{args[0].class}" end else startIdx = dateToIdx(args[0]) endIdx = dateToIdx(args[1]) end startIdx.upto(endIdx) do |idx| return false if @scoreboard[idx] end true end
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 1045 def journal(query) @attributes['journal'].to_rti(query) end
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 816 def listReports(reportId, regExpMode) reportList = regExpMode ? reportList = matchingReports(reportId) : @reports[reportId] ? [ reportId ] : [] puts "No match for #{reportId}" if reportList.empty? reportList.each do |id| report = @reports[id] formats = report.get('formats') next if formats.empty? puts sprintf("%s\t%s\t%s", id, formats.join(', '), end end
Return the average number of working days per month.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 548 def monthlyWorkingDays @attributes['yearlyworkingdays'] / 12.0 end
Return the Report
with the ID id
or return nil if it does not exist.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 614 def report(id) @reports[id] end
Return the Report
with the name name
or return nil if it does not exist.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 620 def reportByName(name) @reports.each do |report| return report if == name end nil end
Return the Resource
with the ID id or return nil if it does not exist.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 609 def resource(id) @resources[id] end
Return the Scenario
with the given id or index.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 567 def scenario(arg) if arg.is_a?(Integer) @scenarios.each do |sc| return sc if sc.sequenceNo - 1 == arg end else return @scenarios[arg] end nil end
Return the number of defined scenarios for the project.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 532 def scenarioCount @scenarios.items end
Return the index of the given Scenario
specified by scenario or id.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 583 def scenarioIdx(sc) if sc.is_a?(Scenario) return sc.sequenceNo - 1 elsif @scenarios[sc].nil? return nil else return @scenarios[sc].sequenceNo - 1 end end
This function must be called after the Project
data structures have been filled with data. It schedules all scenario and stores the result in the data structures again.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 630 def schedule initScoreboards [ @accounts, @shifts, @resources, @tasks ].each do |p| # Set all index counters to their proper values. p.index end if @tasks.empty? error('no_tasks', "No tasks defined") end @scenarios.each do |sc| # Skip disabled scenarios next unless sc.get('active') scIdx = scenarioIdx(sc) # All user provided values are set now. The next step is to # propagate inherited values. These values must be marked as # inherited by setting the mode to 1. As we always call # PropertyTreeNode#inherit this is just a safeguard. AttributeBase.setMode(1) prepareScenario(scIdx) # Now change to mode 2 so all values that are modified are marked # as computed. AttributeBase.setMode(2) # Schedule the scenario. scheduleScenario(scIdx) # Complete the data sets, and check the result. finishScenario(scIdx) end resources.each do |resource| resource.checkFailsAndWarnings end tasks.each do |task| task.checkFailsAndWarnings end @timeSheets.warnOnDelta if @warnTsDeltas true end
Many internal data structures use Scoreboard
objects to keep track of scheduling data. These have one entry for every schedulable time slot in the project time frame. This functions returns the number of entries in the scoreboards.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 942 def scoreboardSize ((@attributes['end'] - @attributes['start']) / @attributes['scheduleGranularity']).to_i end
Return the Shift
with the ID id or return nil if it does not exist.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 594 def shift(id) @shifts[id] end
Convert timeSlots to working days.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 558 def slotsToDays(slots) slots * @attributes['scheduleGranularity'] / (60 * 60 * dailyWorkingHours) end
Return the Task
with the ID id or return nil if it does not exist.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 604 def task(id) @tasks[id] end
Print the attribute values. It’s used for debugging only.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 1050 def to_s #raise "STOP!" str = '' @attributes.each do |attribute, value| if value str += "#{attribute}: " + "#{value.is_a?(PropertyTreeNode) ? value.fullId : value}" end end str end
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 542 def weeklyWorkingDays @attributes['workinghours'].weeklyWorkingHours / @attributes['dailyworkinghours'] end
Return the number of working days (ignoring global leaves) during the given interval.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 983 def workingDays(interval) startIdx = dateToIdx(interval.start) endIdx = dateToIdx(interval.end) slots = 0 startIdx.upto(endIdx) do |idx| slots += 1 unless @scoreboardNoLeaves[idx] end slotsToDays(slots) end
Return the average number of working days per year.
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 553 def yearlyWorkingDays @attributes['yearlyworkingdays'].to_f end
Protected Instance Methods
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 1141 def finishScenario(scIdx) Log.enter('finishScenario', "Finishing scenario #{scenario(scIdx).get('name')}") Log.startProgressMeter("Checking scenario #{scenario(scIdx).get('name')}") @tasks.each do |task| # Recursively traverse the top-level tasks to finish all tasks. task.finishScheduling(scIdx) unless task.parent end @resources.each do |resource| # Recursively traverse the top-level resources to finish them all. resource.finishScheduling(scIdx) unless resource.parent end i = 0 total = @tasks.items @tasks.each do |task| task.postScheduleCheck(scIdx) if task.parent.nil? i += 1 Log.progress(i.to_f / total) end Log.stopProgressMeter Log.exit('finishScenario', "Finishing scenario #{scenario(scIdx).get('name')} completed") end
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 1064 def prepareScenario(scIdx) Log.enter('prepareScenario', "Finishing scenario #{scenario(scIdx).get('name')}") Log.startProgressMeter("Preparing scenario " + "#{scenario(scIdx).get('name')}") resources = tasks = # Compile a list of leaf resources that are actually used in this # project. usedResources = [] tasks.each do |task| task.candidates(scIdx).each do |resource| usedResources << resource unless usedResources.include?(resource) end end total = usedResources.length i = 0 usedResources.each do |resource| resource.prepareScheduling(scIdx) resource.preScheduleCheck(scIdx) i += 1 Log.progress((i.to_f / total) * 0.8) end resources.each { |resource| resource.setDirectReports(scIdx) } resources.each { |resource| resource.setReports(scIdx) } computeResourceAvailabilities(scIdx, usedResources) Log.progress(0.81) tasks.each { |task| task.prepareScheduling(scIdx) } Log.progress(0.82) tasks.each { |task| task.Xref(scIdx) } tasks.each { |task| task.propagateInitialValues(scIdx) } Log.progress(0.83) tasks.each { |task| task.preScheduleCheck(scIdx) } Log.progress(0.84) # Check for dependency loops in the task graph. tasks.each { |task| task.resetLoopFlags(scIdx) } tasks.each do |task| task.checkForLoops(scIdx, [], false, true, true) if task.parent.nil? end Log.progress(0.85) tasks.each { |task| task.resetLoopFlags(scIdx) } tasks.each do |task| task.checkForLoops(scIdx, [], true, true, false) if task.parent.nil? end Log.progress(0.87) # Compute the criticalness of the tasks and their pathes. tasks.each { |task| task.countResourceAllocations(scIdx) } Log.progress(0.88) resources.each { |resource| resource.calcCriticalness(scIdx) } Log.progress(0.9) tasks.each { |task| task.calcCriticalness(scIdx) } Log.progress(0.95) tasks.each { |task| task.calcPathCriticalness(scIdx) } Log.progress(0.99) @timeSheets.check Log.progress(1.0) Log.stopProgressMeter # This is used for debugging only if false resources.each do |resource| puts "#{resource}" end tasks.each do |task| puts "#{task}" end end Log.exit('prepareScenario', "Preparing scenario #{scenario(scIdx).get('name')} completed") end
Schedule all tasks for the given Scenario
with index scIdx
# File lib/taskjuggler/Project.rb, line 1169 def scheduleScenario(scIdx) tasks = # Only care about leaf tasks that are not milestones and aren't # scheduled already (marked with the 'scheduled' attribute). tasks.delete_if { |task| !task.leaf? || task['milestone', scIdx] || task['scheduled', scIdx] } Log.enter('scheduleScenario', "#{tasks.length} leaf tasks") # The sorting of the work item list determines which tasks will get their # resources first. The first sorting criterium is the user specified task # priority. The second criterium is the scheduler determined priority # stored in the pathcriticalness attribute. That way, the user can always # override the scheduler determined priority. To always have a defined # order, the third criterium is the sequence number. tasks.setSorting([ [ 'priority', false, scIdx ], [ 'pathcriticalness', false, scIdx ], [ 'seqno', true, -1 ] ]) tasks.sort! totalTasks = tasks.length # Enter the main scheduling loop. This loop is only terminated when all # tasks have been scheduled or another thread has set the breakFlag to # true. Log.startProgressMeter("Scheduling scenario " + "#{scenario(scIdx).get('name')}") failedTasks = [] while !tasks.empty? # Only update the progress bar every 10 completed tasks. if tasks.length % 10 == 0 percentComplete = (totalTasks - tasks.length).to_f / totalTasks Log.progress(percentComplete) end # Now find the task with the highest priority that can be scheduled # and schedule it. taskToRemove = nil tasks.each do |task| # Task not ready? Ignore it. next unless task.readyForScheduling?(scIdx) unless task.schedule(scIdx) failedTasks << task end # The task has been completed or failed. But we can remove it from # the todo list. taskToRemove = task # The scheduling of this task may cause other higher priority tasks # to be ready now. So we terminate the inner loop and start at the # top of the list again. break end # There should always be a task to be removed. If not, the scheduler # has found a set of tasks that deadlock each other. if taskToRemove tasks.delete(taskToRemove) elsif failedTasks.empty? warning('deadlock', 'Some tasks reference each other but don\'t provide ' + 'enough information to start the scheduling. The ' + 'scheduler does not know where to start scheduling ' + 'these tasks. You need to provide more fixed dates ' + 'or dependencies on already scheduled tasks.') failedTasks = tasks break else # We have some tasks that cannot be scheduled. break end end # Check for failed tasks and report the first 10 of them as # warnings. unless failedTasks.empty? warning('unscheduled_tasks', "#{failedTasks.length} tasks could not be scheduled") i = 0 failedTasks.each do |t| warning('unscheduled_task', "Task #{t.fullId}: " + "#{t['start', scIdx] ? t['start', scIdx] : '<?>'} -> " + "#{t['end', scIdx] ? t['end', scIdx] : '<?>'}", t.sourceFileInfo) i += 1 break if i >= 10 end Log.stopProgressMeter return false end Log.stopProgressMeter Log.exit('scheduleScenario', "Scheduling of scenario #{scIdx} finished") true end